Dydu has signed three new accounts in the e-commerce, automotive and distribution industries.
Logista France
Strator has implemented a chatbot for tobacconists and newsagents using the dydu solution. Strator (part of Logista France) is the leader in POS terminals, tools dedicated to the sales and management of shopkeepers’ businesses. Their brand new chatbot answers retailers’ questions about how to use Strator: stock management, inventories, dematerialised products, dashboards, etc. They have deployed the chatbot on their online Help website, that can be accessed via Strator terminals, PCs and mobile phones. The conversational robot, an expert in Strator’s software, helps save time by answering user questions immediately, 24/7.
The Renault Group is deploying a new internal chatbot, using dydu’s technology. The car manufacturer already has a HR and IT bot and has just implemented a new selfcare tool to improve the experience of the 11,000 employees at their Technocentre (R&D hub), and to relieve the busiest departments. The conversational robot, that is still in a testing phase, answers questions about practical services (company rules and regulations, entry passes, lost and found, etc.), on-site services (media library, works council, concierge service, taxis, etc.) and events (activities, exhibitions).
Cdiscount used dydu’s technology to create an FAQ tool on their website. It provides visitors with immediate answers to their most frequently asked questions, on topics such as tracking orders, returns and refunds, breakdowns and warranties, customer account management or the marketplace. This new selfcare tool handles more than 20,000 interactions per day, which saves customer services a significant amount of time and increases productivity.