Whether you are a bank, insurance company or health insurer, it is essential to handle requests quickly. Customers expect instant answers and a readily available customer service when looking for information about an offer, transaction or refund, or when they want to take out a new contract or make a claim. Intelligent virtual assistants can easily automate simple and recurring questions. For more complex requests, customer chatbots can escalate users to live chat operators or call centres.
Bots are an accessible and easy-to-use tool. They help customers find quick answers to their questions, a specific page, or an offer. You can interconnect them with your internal software, such as your CRM, for a fully personalised experience! You can also perform more complex use cases in the bot, in total security, such as searching for a transaction (by date, name, amount, category), downloading a document, checking a transfer or refund status, signing up to a new contract, or declaring a loss or claim.