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Our Best Ambassadors: Our Clients

Our bots can be used in an infinite number of cases: customer service, help desk, visitors welcome, employee support (HR, IT), product recommendation, transactions, domotics…in fields as varied as energy, finance, insurance, telecommunications, transportation, the automobile industry, the public sector…

Discover how we’ve helped our clients implement an innovative user experience and successfully optimize costs.





They recently integrated a Dydu bot :

Customer Relation: a Bot That Takes Care of Your Users

Improve user experience with an intelligent conversation tool whose customized support brings each client closer to the brand. It replies instantly and automatically to any need for advice, after-sales question, reservation or other request.

Goélia's customer relations chatbot

Since May 2022, Goélia’s chatbot has been providing answers to simple questions 24/7 and allowing better fluidity in browsing the website, but also in their vacation booking process.

The objective ? To provide answers to simple questions 24/7 and make the website navigation and vacation booking process more fluid.

In the first 12 months, the bot recorded :

  • 1 M visitors
  • 36 K interactions
  • 98% understanding rate

We keep a close eye on the various types of solicitation from our customers : by call, email and social networks. Solicitations have decreased: up to –83% of interactions via private messages on social networks and up to -45% of calls to our call center. What’s more, solicitations are more qualitative.

– Clara Labrune, Director of Quality & Customer Experience at Goélia

MSA customer relations chatbot

Mutualité Sociale Agricole (MSA) called Dydu in 2020 to deploy a customer relations chatbot for their members.

In 2022, the bot counted :

  • 62,7 M visitors
  • 1,1 K interactions
  • 98% understanding rate

EDF customer relations chatbot

EDF’s chatbot facilitates the customer journey with personalized responses: customers can download their bills directly from it, or obtain information about their contract.

In 2022, the bot counted :

  • 76,1 K conversations
  • 88% understanding rate
  • 115 K downloaded receipts
  • 74% use via computer
  • 26% from a mobile

Chatbot & Livechat de TotalEnergies

Complementing livechat, the chatbot provides personalized answers to its customers thanks to context conditions and variables.

Today, the bot automates 2,500 incoming requests/day!

In 2022, the bot counted :

  • 34,3 M visitors
  • 2 M interactions
  • 99% understanding rate

Employee Relation: a Guiding Bot for Your Employees

Guide your employees with an internal bot, available at any time on your intranet, mobile application or directly on your employees’ computers. It instantly answers HR, helpdesk and IT questions, practical services, legal issues, and much more!

The Renault IT chatbot

In January 2023, Renault implemented an internal chatbot for its 5,000 salespeople and managers in France to provide them with 24/7 assistance on their sales workstations and CRM tools.

The goal ? Automate incoming Level 1 requests, and centralize and track requests by creating a ticket directly via the bot.

Since it went online in 2023, the bot has recorded :

  • 87 K visitors
  • 6 K interactions
  • 90% understanding comprehension

Our intention was to put an end to telephone support, while maintaining a level of support that would enable us to provide assistance to sellers. The chatbot is an efficient and less expensive solution than telephone support. What’s more, the chatbot is available 24/7, whereas our call center was only available during working hours.

– Stéphanie Lecomte, Head of Digital Transformation and Sales Tools at Renault

Bpifrance IT chatbot

Objective : Relieve bottlenecks in internal level 1 support and provide employees with immediate, personalized answers.

In 2022, the bot counted :

  • 49,5 M visitors
  • 24 K interactions
  • 96% understanding rate

HR and recruitment chatbots at AFD

Objectives : Provide employees with an immediate and rapid response; Reduce the number of recurring requests to HR; Inform candidates and facilitate their applications.

In 2022, the bot counted :

  • 745 K visitors
  • 9 K interactions
  • 95% understanding rate

Citizen relations : a bot to facilitate access to information and administrative procedures

Centralize all your organization’s information and guide users through the process with a tool that’s accessible to everyone, all the time. Extremely easy to use, the chatbot understands natural language and complies with privacy regulations (RGPD) and digital accessibility standards (RGAA).

UGAP public chatbot

    The chatbot informs customers about products and the status of their orders, and enables tickets to be created for complex requests.

    UGAP objective : 90% call-off rate and 90% processing rate on D+1

    In 2022, the bot counted :

    • 1,9 M visiteurs
    • 46 K interactions
    • 95% understanding rate

    Chatbot Pleaux Town Hall

    Implementation of a chatbot on the Pleaux town hall website, with a ready-to-use offer for residents.

    Key figures :

    • 5 days : set-up time
    • Only 10% of the pre-filled base to be customized

    Public chatbots for the Hauts-de-Seine prefecture

    The Hauts-de-Seine prefecture’s chatbot provides foreign residents with information on residence permits, access to nationality and more.

    Since going online in 2022, the bot has recorded :

    • 54,7K visitors
    • 387 K interactions
    • 95% understanding rate